viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

Papillas de verduras

1 Calabacin pequeño
1 Tocrito de raíz de hinojo
1 Puerro
Gotitas de aceite de oliva virgen.

Al vapor y cuando esté el puerro y el hinojo blanditos a triturar, añadir agua al gusto del peque.

Alimentar en USA, Papillas cereales

En nuestra cultura es muy importante la comida y el ritual social que la envuelve, es por eso que nos preocupamos de lo que come, las cantidades y demás, a veces hasta demasiado. El estar en Washington me ha permitido ver otra forma de alimentar a los niños, ni mejor ni peor, asi que he decidido hacer un cocktel con lo que me parece mejor de cada cultura y voilá!!
De momento Dante está la mejor garantía.
Es importante saber que en este país hay dos marcas que prácticamente tienen el monopolio del mercado, una es Gerber y la otra orgánica se llama Earth`s Best. Ésta última es la que suelo comprar, la encontrareis en la cadena de supermercados WholeFoods.
Se comienza con la papilla de arroz una vez al día, (4 onzas de leche)  y como tampoco hay mucha variedad en los cereales, solo encuentras, arroz, avena y un cereales variados, pues mi madre me trajo papillas de España sin gluten, de maiz y quinoa.

martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

La primera papilla

Dante comenzó con 4 meses y medio a comer su primera papilla de arroz.
Es importante saber los pasos a seguir:
1 PASO. Si hace calor en casa no podéis utilizar un chubasquero y no olvides el babero.
2 PASO. Si todavía no se sostiene sentado utiliza la hamaca y ponla a tu altura, por ejemplo encima del sofá.
3 PASO. Como Dante se desespera primero le doy la mitad del biberón y después le comienzo a dar la papilla
4 PASO. Este es el paso más fácil, el llevar la cuchara a la boca...verás que es pan comido...solo tienes que esquibar ciertos obstaculos, pies, manos, la cara girada, la boca cerrada, pedorretas, balanceos...
Y LO MÁS IMPORTANTE. Si crees que de la papilla que has preparado se ha comido un 1% y el resto está esparcido por su cuerpo, el tuyo y toda la casa...MISIÓN CUMPLIDA, se te da bien alimentar a tu hij@.
Y después que mejor que bañarse juntitos en la bañera...

La primera carcajada

Una mañana soleada de invierno Dante lanzó su primera carcajada sonora...
Cuando me imaginaba su primera risa pensaba que sería gracias a nuestras carantoñas y las tonterias que le hacemos, que no son pocas...pues una vez más he llegado a la conclusión que la imaginación es imaginación.

Dante vió sus puppets magnéticos y no paró de reir en unos minutos...son más divertidos que papá y mamá.
 Picasso, Monet, Vangogh, Frida Kalho y Dalí.

Moisés o cuna??

Esas preguntas que te haces cuando ves un millón de cosas para los bebés y piensas que es prioritario y que no.
Si estás indecisa...
Nosotros decidimos no comprar un moisés y utilizar el cuco del carrito las primeras semanas.
El cuco del carrito Stokke tiene un buen colchón y hace la función de minicuna, además como lo puedes poner en cualquier superficie o bien, graduarlo a la altura de la cama, funcionó muy bien.
Supongo que cualquier carrito si tiene un colchón duro va bien.
Eso sí, Dante es un bebé que desde que nació necesitaba espacio y pasó a su cuna a los 15 días. Es mejor observar a tu bebé y te darás cuenta en seguida de sus necesidades.

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012


Hace un par de semanas me compré una 'babycook' de la marca Beaba para hacer las primeras papillas de Dante. Como estoy muy apurada de tiempo, pues pensé que sería la mejor solución...y así es!! Es muy fácil preparar las papillas, solo tienes que mover una ruedecilla, te vas de paseo y cuando vuelves ya tienes todo cocinado al vapor...en la misma jarrita se bate y papilla rica en vitaminas. También puedes hacerte tu las cremas, cocinarte las verduras al vapor, descongelar la carne...lo recomiendo.

Birth Plan

 A todas las mamás que estén a vísperas de dar a luz...
En el sistema médico de los Estados Unidos te recomiendan que antes de ingresar en el hospital les entregues a tus médicos y a las enfermeras un plan de parto. En este plan los médicos ya saben que rituales hay que seguir y así se evitan problemas, malentendidos y como no, demandas...algo tan común en este país.
Tener un plan ayuda a pensar sobre el momento y ser más consciente de lo que es un parto hospitalizado, yo recomiendo que hagáis vuestro plan pero que tampoco os obsesionéis con que todo saldrá así, es importante que seáis firmes pero no rígidos, porque como todo en la vida, a veces las cosas no salen como a uno les gustaría y la seguridad de la mamá y del bebé es primordial.
Quiero agradecer la ayuda que nuestra amiga Gabriela nos brindó y es por eso que queremos compartir con vosotros nuestro plan, espero que sea una gran ayuda. Suerte!!!

We have prepared this Birth Plan to help you understand our philosophy and the kind of care we hope to have for the birth of our child. Although we do not have one permanent doctor, we expect that the doctor assisting with our delivery will support our desire for a low-intervention birth and respects our need for good communication. We expect, and trust, that our practitioner will seek our opinion on all issues that may affect our
birth experience or that deviate from this plan. We wish for as natural a birth as possible, avoiding unnecessary procedures and medications.
We would like to direct, but know we cannot control, our childbirth experience. When this Birth Plan is respected, then, if we need to deviate from its general guidelines, we will feel better about the change. Let us know right away if you think we need to change plans, and why the change is necessary. We would like to be part of the decision-making team
and to be consulted about and asked for our consent before any medical procedure is performed to both the mother and the baby. In addition, we would
like any medical procedure explained as it is performed. We fully realize that emergencies can happen, and that in the case of an emergency, the health care team will take the best steps for our family, always respecting our desires.
Please, consider that although this birth plan has been prepared with the consent of both the mother and the father of the baby, it is the father who will be in charge of making any decisions of changing our plan in the event the mother is unable to do so. He is also the sole person who should be trusted when deciding on medical procedures for both the mother and the baby.

A quiet and calm environment is necesary to make natural delivery a success. That being said, we would like to have a room that is as quiet as possible, and may use alternative pain management techniques as aromatherapy, candles, and music. We would also like to have available alternative birthing tools as a birthing ball, squatting bar, etc. to be used if desired. Please, do not urge the me to push, cheer, or excite me with terms as "good job", we would like to take our time to relax, breathe, and let her body do the work. If urgency is necesary, please let us know in a calm manner.

It is important to us that we remain together at all times during the labor and delivery (vaginal or cesarean).
While we understand and can appreciate the need for training and teaching, we highly value our privacy and would like to keep the birth team to the minimum necessary number, which excludes residents, trainees, and other nonessential personnel.

Alert - If Epidural is practiced:
L2 spine fracture when 16 year old in a ski accident
Low blood pressure

Lights dimmed
Voices respectfully lowered
Prefer option to film and/or photograph
Prefer freedom to choose positions and activity level in labor as long as cord prolapse is not an issue.
Pain relief through Hypnobirthing relaxation techniques, breathing, massage, counter-pressure, changes in position, water (tub/shower) and emotional support.
No pain medications to be offered unless requested.
If available, I would like access to a tub, squatting bar, birthing ball, and rocking chair.
Intermittent external fetal monitoring only as required by the condition of the baby.
We very much want to avoid internal fetal monitoring unless it is specifically medically indicated.
Internal exams for specific medical indication, when labor changes, or by request.
Prefer to walk to the bathroom when needed.
If catheterization becomes necessary, we prefer to have it removed as soon as possible after bladder is empty.
As long as the baby and I are fine, I would like to be free of time limits and not have my labor augmented.
If ROM occurs at onset of labor, I prefer to wait 12 hours or more before inducing if our condition permits.
If necessary, I would like to try walking, nipple stimulation, and pelvic rocking.
Position in pushing phase to be determined by me at the time (using gravity enhanced positioning if possible—includes the possibility of full/partial squatting positions—not flat on back).
Pillows, wedge, elevated table back for support at delivery, if necessary.
Pain relief through Hypnobirthing relaxation techniques, breathing, massage, counter-pressure, changes in position, water (tub/shower) and emotional support.
No pain medications to be offered unless requested.
Desire to try for intact perineum with massage, support, and hot compresses.
If necessary, we prefer a pressure episiotomy when baby's head is crowning.
(Small tear is preferable to a large incision.)
Local anesthetic is permissible for performing & repairing an episiotomy.
As long as the baby and I are fine, I would like to be free of time limits on pushing.
Prefer option of self-directed pushing to help ease the baby out slowly and avoid tearing the perineum.
If pushing is not progressing efficiently, I would like to be reminded that sometimes changing positions helps. I would like to be encouraged to try one or more of the following delivery positions: squatting, side-lying, standing upright, hands and knees on floor, kneeling with arms resting on bed/chair, or semi-reclining on bed-kneespressed to chest with support person behind providing counter-pressure.
Forceps preferable to vacuum extraction, but prefer to avoid both if possible.

Baby placed on my chest upon delivery.
Father would like to cut the cord.
Would like to nurse immediately after delivery if possible.
Prefer newborn procedures completed after initial bonding time if possible.
Prefer non-irritating eye agent, such as erythromycin or tetracycline, as late as possible.
Prefer spontaneous placenta separation with breast stimulation/nursing the baby after delivery rather than inducing with pitocin, uterine massage or cord traction. If a procedure is necessary, please explain it to me.
Perineum ice packs if requested immediately after birth.
If fundal massage is necessary I'd like to try it myself, with someone else instructing how.
Prefer freedom of movement after birth.
Prefer to avoid routine administration of pitocin after the birth if possible.
Recovery with baby in private
Please hold all phone calls until otherwise instructed
24-hour rooming in
Breastfeeding on demand with assistance only as requested
Prefer to have person of choice in my room at any time of day
We would like the option being discharged as soon as possible once our obstetrician has approved it.
If the baby is a boy, we prefer circumcision to be practiced.
Prefer to postpone routine newborn procedures until we have had a chance to bond with our baby.
Baby held by parents and nursed by mother.
Breastfeeding exclusively on demand
NO supplementation of any kind—pacifier, sugar water, formula, etc. Unless breastfeeding is impossible.
Suctioning if necessary
Prefer all routine procedures done in our room after initial bonding time if possible.
If this is not possible, we would like to have father stay with the baby at all times.
We prefer that the baby be gently wiped down with a soft cloth to remove fluids, and wrapped in our own blanket.
Please do not bathe, to allow our baby's natural vernix to continue to soften and protect the skin.
We ask that you discuss any additional newborn procedures with us before they are performed.
Prefer non-irritating agent, such as erythromycin or tetracycline, as late as possible.
If warming is necessary, prefer mother holding baby, with soft cloth/blanket covering both.
Please keep communication open. If at all possible, please wait for my express consent, or that of the father before initiating any procedure.
It is important to me that my husband be present with me at all times during the birth.
Ideally, I would like to remain awake and aware, avoiding general anesthesia if possible.
Prefer regional anesthesia with little or no premedication or discuss further anesthesia options with me.
Prefer to have the obstetrician explains events as they occur.
Assuming the baby is well, I would like to hold our baby on my chest.
Breastfeeding as soon as possible.

If our baby is not well, we would like to:
accompany my baby, or have the father accompany our baby, if transported to another facility.
hold, rock and care for our baby, if possible.
Visit NICU as much as possible.
Have all procedures explained before/as they are performed as our baby’s condition permits.
We thank you for taking the time to go over this Birth Plan, and appreciate your cooperation in getting our new family off
to great start!
Physician    Date                               Mother    Date                                    Father    Date